This article will walk you through how to edit and view posts in the content calendar. As well as how to navigate through categories and settings.
Content Calendar is a great way to amplify your employer brand on a company level or through individual employees.
Step 1: To navigate to the content calendar, hover over “Employer Brand” and then click on “Content Calendar”
Step 2: Hover over the date on the calendar you would like to see and click view.
- You can also change the view from Calendar to List and then choose published posts or upcoming posts. From this screen you can see the social media channel the content will be posted to. You can also edit, preview, repost and delete the post. Lastly, you can create a new post as well.
- Edit Post - (pencil icon) This feature is only available if the post hasn’t been published yet. You are able to edit any part of the post you would like. You can edit the category of the post, copy or text you have written, image/video, insert hashtags, or change the date/time of the post.
- Preview - (eye icon) This allows you to preview how the post will look when it is published.
- Repost - (arrows icon) This will allow you to copy the post, and you can choose to repost on the same channel on a different date or post to a different social media channel altogether.
- Delete - (red x icon) You can delete the post altogether. This feature is only available on future posts, once the post has been published you would have to delete from the social media page.
Step 3: Click on the “Categories” tab and then click on the “Create a New Category” button
- Making sure each post you create in the Content Calendar has a category assigned to it will be important for when you want to see reporting on how each post is performing.
- Once a category has been created, you have the ability to edit and delete as needed. You can also create a category before a post is created or during the process of creating a post.
Step 4: Click on the “Settings” tab
- In the settings tab you will be able to create and manage post templates, create and manage hashtags, add your blog's RSS feed link, and access your Content Calendar image library.
Step 5: Click on the “Edit” button to edit Post Templates
Step 6: Manage and/or create new post templates
- Manage Post Templates - Can turn a template on or off, edit, and archive
- Add a New Template - This will look similar to the page where you create new posts for the content calendar. First choose a category, next write the copy (make sure to include at least one of the placeholders) last hit save. These post templates can be a great way to create posts quickly in the future. Especially if multiple people are creating similar posts in the Content Calendar. You can access these templates in the “customize post” screen when creating a new post.
Step 7: Click on the “Edit” button to edit Hashtags
Step 8: Manage and/or create new hashtags
- Manage Custom Hashtags - Edit or delete custom hashtags you have already created
- Add a Hashtag - These hashtags will be displayed when you create new Engage posts so that you can quickly add them to your post content.
Step 9: Edit blog settings
Step 10: Add or change blog settings
- Enter your blog's RSS feed link here. We will use it to get a list of your latest blog posts that you can insert into Engage posts.
Step 11: Access Content Calendar Image Library
- The Content Calendar image library is separate from the image library used for Job Distribution. When you are building a post through our content calendar you will have a separate section where you can upload all images you would like to use for more customized distribution. The images used for Content Calendar should express more of the company’s employer brand. These images can include staff shout outs, branded flyers for a career fair, etc.